Monday, January 6, 2014


I think with any devastating news you expect the typical emotions of sadness, anger, and frustration.  I have experienced them all these last few days. What I didn't expect, what has surprised me the most are the flashbacks, memories popping up at random times.  I find myself doing things in my daily life that are exactly as my mom did when I was young.  I opened the freezer and instantly had a memory of walking in the kitchen to see frozen food on the counter as my mom defrosted the freezer.  As I cleaned my house today I thought of how my mom relishes in cleanliness.  My kids were eating gummy bears and I thought of my myself along with my friends in my living room eating endless amounts of gummy bears and reading people magazine. I even told my little boy today that "life was not fair" and could hear my mom saying it along with me.  As my kids ran in the door from school, threw their backpacks in the middle of the floor and yelled "hi mom, I am home!"  I recalled saying those same words, only to turn around and run back out with friends, needing to hear her say "hi" back before I could leave again.  All of these thing she did, I am now experiencing as a mother.  I am realizing the deep impact she has had on my life.  I once read a quote that said "All that I ever am or hope to be I owe to my mother."  I owe all that I am to my mother.  She is kind, wonderful, stubborn and the most caring woman I know.  Today's visit was good. Mom was in good spirits and looks better than I have seen her in awhile.  She began her first round of chemo tonight so we will see how her body tolerates it and they will adjust things accordingly.  So far, she is taking all of this with amazing grace and dignity.  If only we could do something about the blue Christmas tree in the hall. She really doesn't like it and the sight of it irritates her when she passes it every time she goes for a walk. Christmas is over, its time to move on, right?


  1. Love this Liza! And thanks for mentioning the blue tree, I needed a good laugh! Love, Amanda

  2. I was just flooded with memories of eating gummy bears at your parent's old house!
    Your mom is the best. She is such a strong, faithful, caring woman! She raised such amazing kids who have become incredible parents!
    Sending lots of love to your whole family, especially Irene!
    -Tracy Peterson

  3. That is hilarious about the blue tree. Sounds just like her. I'm glad she can't see my house right now, the tree is still up. These thoughts were wonderful, thanks so much for sharing them Liza. Matt was very encouraged by her good spirits last night too. We have every reason to be optimistic. Matt also said she has a good view of the "U" on the mountain as well as the University of Utah, which we all know she loves! I look forward to my visit this week. Michelle

  4. Hi Irene,
    This is Sharon Snyder. I am so happy that a blog has been set up to keep me updated. I have valued your friendship from Country Manor Road to Monte Luca. I have been hesitant to call or visit because I don't really know if you would like to see a lot of visitors. But, I want you to know that I am following this blog because I love you and your family. I am looking forward to our luncheon visits with the gang so get well soon! Hang in there. Sounds like your care at the hospital is good. I know hospital food is not Willow Creek. So, maybe I will venture up to the hospital with a Jamba Juice or something. Cliff spent some time in the hospital last month for a complete knee replacement. That is what he liked. Love you,

  5. I found a picture from Hailey's birthday party tonight. That's the last time that mom came over to my house before we found out about the big C. I miss her so much.

  6. Hi, this is Bobbi Saunders, Holly's mother. I don't know if you remember her. Three years ago today, Holly went into the hospital for a procedure and she passed away for a few moments. After wards, she remained in a coma for a day and then gradually came out of it. It was three more months before we lost her. What is interesting that your comment about you mom being angry about the Christmas tree reminded me that our hospital also had a Christmas tree up in the waiting room. I kept complaining about it and Lisa (Holly's older sister) was upset and took it apart and put it on the floor. I pray that the Lord will be with your Mom. What an incredibly difficult time for her and for you, your dad and all of your family. It is such a tender, terrifying, time. The Lord will be there for you all. I have a sign on my refrigerator that says, "Be still and know that I am God." It helped me through some difficult times.
