Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I cant believe it is almost the end of January. Its gone by fast but at the same time it feels like an eternity. When the nurses recognize you and talk to you like an old friend its not a very good sign! I have been reluctant to write for awhile because to be honest the past week and a half has been terrible, horrible, nightmarish, etc. I didn't want to depress everyone and further depress myself! The doctor told my dad that my mom has had almost every single side effect you can possibly have with chemo. The side effects are not uncommon, but to have almost every single one... she has really had a rough go of it. I visited with my mom last night and things were significantly better. Her swelling had gone down remarkably and she just seemed like my mom again in a way. She is still so very weak, and so extremely tired. She is fighting one hellish battle, and I am amazed by her strength. Watching her go through this has made me change so many things in my life. It has made me want to be more determined at accomplishing goals, it has made me be less selfish, and it has taught me to be a little kinder and more patient with my children because I have realized what an IMPACT being a Mother really has on, well, everyone.
So the game plan is.... seeing that really HOT nurse Eric again (kidding), helping my mom get though these next couple a days while the chemo sets in. She received her last dose of Chemo on Monday January 27th. On Tuesday February 4th they will do another bone marrow biopsy. Now this is a BIG one. This will kind of determine the course of the future with this. We are having another family fast this Sunday February 3rd on behalf of my mom and this bone marrow biopsy. We invite anyone and everyone to be apart of it. All of your prayers and thoughts mean so much,
so..... Thank You, truly.
 I love this picture of my mom and me. The way she is looking at me, its like I can feel her love for me. I'm so blessed to have it.
This next picture is of my daughter Annabelle. It was her 3rd birthday on January 27th. After she blew out her #3 candle I happily asked "what did you wish for?" and she immediately replied "my grandma and grandpa" and then told me that she missed them. What a big part of all our lives my mom and dad are, and oh how we love them!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Amanda, for your update! What a blessing for your Mom and Dad to have four such wonderful children, spouses, and grandchilden. Our entire Jordan family will be fasting this weekend for Reni and her bone marrow biopsy! When Trisha was in the hospital doing her chemo induction, the parents of another child at the hospital gave us a little plaque that read: 'EXPECT A MIRACLE'!! We WILL EXPECT good news after February 4th! P/S My granddaughter, Jesika Maddock, turned 10 on January 27th! Both girls are beautiful!!! Love, Virginia
