Last night I was able to spend some time visiting with mom. Do to a miserable cold, I hadn't seen her for over a week. When I arrived in her room, I noticed immediately how much this disease has aged her. She is beautiful, but fragile. Her hair is now falling out. She has a rash on her hands and body, mouth sores, dry mouth, and her poor feet are so swollen they look like sausages. She is really sick. As I spent some time walking around the 8th floor, I started looking at the other patients that are there. The doctors really encourage each of them to go on walks at least twice a day. The 8th floor is divided into two wings. East and West. Mom is on the east wing. The patients in her wing have a walking path mapped out. In order to avoid contamination, each patient is required to wear a respirator, gloves, and gown before they leave their rooms. This uniform makes it easy to distinguish the "sick ones". I have seen both men and women of all ages while out walking with mom. The patients almost always have someone with them. Usually another family member. We always look at each other and smile as we pass in the hall. I often find myself wondering about these other families. I find myself thinking, "I'm sorry you are here." "I know how hard it is to watch someone you love suffer with this horrible disease."
The one thing every patient always has is their IV pole. Each of these poles contains a variety of medications. Most common are chemo, potassium, blood, platelets, Lasix, and moms latest addition, liquid nutrients. Mom's cute nurse has named the IV pole her "boyfriend." The boyfriend goes everywhere with mom. The bathroom, the shower, the bed, the chair, her walks, etc. On busy days, the boyfriend can have as many as 10 different attachments. Even though he might get on her nerves, I am thankful that mom has one. I am attaching a picture of moms boyfriend. This picture was taken a few days before she lost her hair.
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