Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Today my mom had her bone marrow biopsy. We don't have any news yet but are anxiously awaiting. I am my moms youngest daughter. She is my confidant, my best friend, my cheerleader, the spoiler of my children, the person I call when times are hard, happy, frustrating.. you name it and my mom is there. To say this has been hard to witness is an understatement. I found this quote the other night and no truer words were ever written,
"While there are many things you can do to help a loved one in need, there are some things that must be done by the Lord.” –Richard G. Scott
I have often asked my husband throughout this month why when we know God is in charge, that His plan is the best, and that He loves us, do I fight it so hard? But no matter how much I care for my mom and worry and help her it all comes down to the Lord and His plan. I have come to believe and have faith that He is completely in charge of my mom. I find great peace in this knowledge, even though the fear is still hiding there too. I love what my moms cousin Virginia wrote... 
and that is exactly what I will do.


  1. AMANDA,
    You were right in connecting the dots in this entry: FAITH.....MIRACLES. They go together.
    Plus knowing that the Lord is in charge can be comforting. We pray and then exercise our faith in HIs Plan. Easier said than done - but this is an integral part of our earthly testing.
    Stay strong as we all stay tuned for any following news.
    "Cousin" CHRISTENA

    PS: I check in here regularly, but 90% of the time on my iPhone - where there must be a glitch in leaving "Comments" because I can never get it to work for me. So I will be leaving a note when I am at my PC.

    1. Thank you so much Christina. Your comments have truly "lifted" all of us at times. It means so much. Also I have the same problem with my iPhone as I know have others. So frustrating!
